Friday, April 13, 2007

Here we go....

So here it goes, i have decided to start my own blog. I think I must have been living under a rock or something cause it is only recently that I have discovered these blogs and now i am addicted. It started with looking for a place to go eat with my friends and i stumbled across grab your fork and ended up reading the whole of her posts for 2006. So instead of living through all of everyone's blog sites (which i still will do) I will share some of my experiences with everyone too. Bear with me though, cause i am not really sure what i am doing, so i will be teaching myself as i go.....


Anonymous said...

Wow Susan, you have certainly got off to a good start with your blog and what a great subject. I can't wait to see where else you go. Your critique is really good and informative. I like Josh Pyke too and John Denver although they aren't really alike at all.

susan said...

hmm i wonder who this could be?? Mum!