Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fresh Spring Rolls

I haven't made fresh spring rolls in forever and I don't know why not, as they are very easy to make, well once you have all the elements lined up of course. I wanted to see whether they would keep for the day after, but the rice paper wasn't as soft and pliable the next day. So make sure you only make as many as you need. You can store all the fillings separately which makes it easy for reassembling.

I made some pickled carrots and cucumber as well, using a recipe here, but only left them to marinate for about 30 mins. Would have liked to have made these the day before so they could pickle some more.

First get a rice paper sheet and soak in warm water for about 30 seconds, not too long, cause otherwise it will rip when you are trying to fold it.

Lay it out on a flat surface and then start layering up the ingredients. Not too much though, cause you need to be able to fit everything in. First the Vermicelli, which means little worms as I found out in trivia last night..

Then some bean sprouts

Next add some protein of your choice. I just used a BBQ chicken as it was easy.

Then the pickled vegetables

Then the herbs - I have used mint and coriander

Then roll it all up! Doesn't it look pretty.

Continue this process over and over again until you never want another spring roll for a while.

I just serve mine with lots of hoisin sauce, oh how I love hoisin.


Hannah said...

I've never made fresh spring rolls myself, which is silly because I love them so much! I think I just have in my head that it's too hard. Silly me!

Mel said...

I tried to make these once was I was living in Broken Hill and you couldn't buy these spring rolls anywhere. It was a total frightmare, but after reading your blog I think I must've left the wrappers soaking too long. Doh!

Lisa (bakebikeblog) said...

oooooh I must...nah make another batch of rice paper rools!

Anna Johnston said...

I made these last night, I actually turned my house into Asia, I served rice paper rolls as appetisers. So simple and deliciously tasty. :)

celia said...

Susan, love your step by step instructions! I've never made these before, but I've been meaning to for years (literally years!). Thanks for the inspiration! :)